Curriculum Vitae

Licensed clinical psychotherapist for adults, PDT (psychodynamic method), University of Stockholm
PhD in Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Uppsala
Licensed clinical psychologist, University of Lund
Studies in french, sociology and philosophy, University of Lund
professional experience
My own practice at Sturegatan 18, Stockholm where I work mostly with adults in individual therapies, couples' therapy and family treatments.
Consultant at City Psykologhus, Stockholm. July 2014-February 2019. Adult patients in a private psychoterapy practice. Long- and short term psychotherapy, family counselling and neuropsychiatric assessments. Psychoterapy and support for adoptees and the adoptive family. Assessments of adoptive parents prior to adoption.
PRIMA child and adult psychiatry AB, Stockholm. March 2009 - June 2014. Focus on child and adolescent psychiatry ages 1-25 yrs. Customary tasks with an emphasis on neuropsychiatric assessments.
Private practice on part time at Kungsgatan 55, 2006-2013. Mainly individual psychotherapy with adults.
Stockholm County Council, Järva BUP, Stockholm. April 2007 - June 2009. Customary child- and adolescent psychiatric ward with focus on clinical treatment and family sessions. Initiated a network for receiving adopted patients and main author to a collection of psychological screening instruments.
Doctoral student at the Department of Women's and Children's Health, Faculty of Medicine, Uppsala University. Research on internationally adopted delinquents in Swedish §12 institutions. Counselling with adopted teenagers and young adults under supervision. Working in a variety of forums regarding international adoption (lecturer, referral body for the government committee for adoption laws, workshops and within the adopted Korean association, AKF).